Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Zheng He

Our last discussion for the history of China is about Zheng He. Zheng He was a Chinese mariner, explorer, diplomat, and fleet admiral. Zheng was probably the greatest explorer in Chinese history. He traveled widely through Asia and Africa.The explorer visited many countries of Asia and Africa, including Java, Sumatra, Sri Lanka, India, Persia, Arabia and Taiwan. He sailed with huge fleets of up to 300 ships, with 30,000 men under his charge and brought priceless treasures back to the China. My friend, Li, went on one of Zheng's ships. He said that his boat was the biggest wood constructed ship in history. He has many more after that. Suddenly, Zheng died at sea in 1435 AD, at the age 60, as he returned from an exploration of Africa. He was buried in a large tomb after that. This is Ming Ping. Thanks for listening!

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